Optometric Vision Rehabilitation Therapy

Our Optometric Vision Rehabilitation Therapy (OVRT) program for our concussion and neurological rehabilitative patients are based upon three common pillars:

  1. OpticNeuro Lens Therapy (ONLT)
  2. Vision therapy (VT)
  3. Therapeutic prescribing of lenses, prisms and optical tints

Most patients require all three therapeutic components. We take great pride in being able to offer a customized treatment protocol for each patient. The purpose and goals of each OVRT program are based upon the individual needs of each patient.

As every brain injury is different, the absolute and relative number of ONLT and VT appointments are multi-factorial and often difficult to predict accurately, particularly at the inception of treatment.

Each patient is responsible for determining the cadence of their appointments based upon their lifestyle and response to treatment. Dr. Loopeker’s treatment plan will determine the order in which any visual and/or vestibular issues are addressed to foster a rehabilitative environment that minimizes symptom provocation. 

Although the extent of overall recovery possible with OVRT is often difficult to accurately predict, our goal is to get you functioning as best as possible.

OpticNeuro Lens Therapy (ONLT)

  • ONLT is a therapeutic approach discovered, developed and solely utilized by Dr. Loopeker
  • Visual-vestibular integration therapy typically involving prisms to help reintegrate the visual, vestibular and proprioceptive systems
  • Usually conducted by Dr. Loopeker in-clinic

Vision Therapy (VT)

  • Visual skills training involving eye focusing, teaming, tracking, peripheral awareness, and other visual-integrative skills
  • Programmed by Dr. Loopeker and guided by our trained Vision Therapist
  • The intent of these appointments is to prepare patients to be able to practice specific vision exercises independently at home between VT sessions
  • Upon returning to clinic, patients are re-assessed for progress and appropriately trained with their next set of exercises

Therapeutic prescribing of lenses, prisms and optical tints

  • To learn more about how Vision & OpticNeuro Care use multiple different refractive aids to therapeutically treat your visual dysfunctions, please click on the following link:

For a greater understanding of what we do from the personal  experiences of our patients follow the link below: