Headaches and Migraine Treatment
A headache is a general term to describe head pain. Obviously, there are many different causes of headaches and their symptoms and severity can vary widely.
A migraine is one specific type of headache. It is typically characterized by recurrent, moderate to severe head throbbing or pulsating pain that occurs on one side of the head. It is often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, light and noise sensitivity, and a strong desire to remove oneself from all stimulation. Migraines may be associated with or without an aura, a sensory disturbance (e.g. visual disturbances, numbness or tingling) before the headaches begin. Some people experience specific visual disturbances (e.g. a scintillating scotoma) without ever experiencing a painful head. The diagnosis of vestibular migraine is often assigned when the headache is regularly associated with vestibular symptoms (e.g. vertigo, dizziness, unsteadiness or loss of balance).
Headaches and/or migraines are common in people experiencing post-concussion syndrome, whiplash, vestibular dysfunctions, and several visual conditions, including a visual-vestibular mismatch. Patients treated with OpticNeuro Lens Therapy commonly report reduced headaches and/or migraines with treatment.
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