Dystonia Treatment

Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions that cause repetitive or twisting movements and abnormal postures. These contractions can affect a single muscle, a group of muscles, or the entire body. Dystonia can vary in distribution, severity and may be painful.

Dr. Loopeker is not claiming he treats dystonia–in fact, he is certain he cannot help most patients diagnosed with dystonia. That being said, Dr. Loopeker has has successively eliminated or significantly reduced the involuntary muscle twitches in several patients diagnosed with dystonia (particularly focal or segmental) using OpticNeuro Lens Therapy. Dr. Loopeker suspects that treating an undiagnosed subtle visual-vestibular mismatch, altered the patient’s habitual muscle tone and posture, providing relaxation to some of the affected muscles.

For a greater understanding of what we do from the personal  experiences of our patients follow the link below: