When & How to Refer a Patient

Please be aware that we are not an acute care concussion clinic. We are much better designed to manage patients suffering from chronic Post-Concussion (Vision) Syndrome several weeks post-injury.
A good time to refer a patient is typically beyond four weeks post-injury, if your patient continues to be symptomatic or struggles with function. As up to 80% of people with concussion recover on their own without intervention, we generally prefer to allow the body and brain the opportunity to heal itself before trying to intervene.
Certain patients (e.g. students, athletes) may not want to wait four weeks because of a variety of reasons. Please initiate an earlier referral and we will manage each patient on an individual case-by-case basis.
There is no beyond-help date. We have successfully treated many patients who have been suffering with post-concussion symptoms (and modifying their lifestyle) for more than a decade.
Simply send a referral letter with your patient’s contact information to our clinic via fax or email:
- Fax: 604-283-8893
- Email: info@healthcodefx.com
Once received, our clinic will contact your patient with further information and guidance.
A medical referral is not obligatory, but is helpful for continuity of care and co-management.
For a greater understanding of what we do from the personal experiences of our patients follow the link below: