Common Associated Diagnosis
OpticNeuro Lens Therapy (ONLT) has been successful with helping patients who have been diagnosed with the following associated conditions:

- Post Concussion Syndrome
Whiplash-associated disorders (WAD):
- Whiplash
- including low velocity motor vehicle accidents where the no head impact occurred
Vision problems:
- Post-Concussion Vision Syndrome
- Visual Midline Shift Syndrome
- Binocular Visual Dysfunction
- Vertical heterophoria
- Binocular instability
- Convergence insufficiency
- Convergence excess
- Divergence insufficiency
- Divergence excess
- Strabismus
- Oculomotor dysfunction
- Saccadic dysfunction
- Pursuit dysfunction
- Accommodative dysfunction
- Accommodative insufficiency
- Accommodative excess or hysteresis
- Accommodative infacility
- Visual motion sensitivity
- Photosensitivity or light sensitivity
- Blepharospasm
- Nystagmus
- Dry eyes
Vestibular dysfunctions:
- Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)
- Residual disequilibrium following successful benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) crystal repositioning treatment
- Visual-vertigo
- Vestibular migraine
- Vestibular neuritis
- Mal de debarquement
- Dizziness of unknown origin
Neurological disorders:
- Migraines or headaches
- Stroke
- Dystonia, including cervical dystonia
- Ataxia
- Central sensitization syndrome
- Functional Neurological Disorder
- Lyme disease
- Mold toxicity
Negative apparent reactions to:
- Long COVID or other suspected viral infections
- Adverse reaction to COVID (or other) vaccination
- General anaesthesia
- Dental surgery
- Chemotherapy
Psychological disorders:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)